I'm feeling much better today after my "glutened" episode yesterday. I owe my speedy recovery in part to the wonderful healing drinks I've been knocking back. So I thought I'd share them with you all.

Liquid Chlorophyll: This magic raw elixir is essentially like the thick green blood of plants. It is a powerful detoxifier- it kills harmful bacteria in the colon and liver and enables your body to heal faster because of it. It also resolves many GI issues. (wanna be regular? drink chlorophyll!) You can find it in most natural food stores, I prefer the mint kind personally, it's more palatable. The bottle needs to be kept in the fridge, and take a swig of it (aprox. a table spoon worth) once or twice a day.

Aloe Juice: You know it heals burns, but did you know that same healing ability can help your intestines? Yep! It helps repair tissue in the intestine- so it's very Celiac friendly! It's also good for your immune system and cleans the heck out your colon. I buy giant jugs of it from Trader Joes and cut it with juice, preferably organic* pineapple juice. (see why below)
Pineapples: These vitamin C packed fruits are also anti-inflammatory, among many other amazing super-fruit properties. They are recommended for all sorts of things, from digestive problems, sore muscles, joint pain, arthritis, and more. Be sure to eat them or drink the juice alone and not with a meal to maximize the benefits.

Kombuca: This is a crazy fermented tea that is very much an acquired taste, but it makes you feel AMAZING. The drink is highly detoxifying, probiotic, may prevent cancer, and just gives you peppy energy. My favorite kinds are GT's Ginger, Trilogy, and Synergy Botanic #4 flavors. I have high hopes to one day make my own at home as well.
So I managed to drink ALL of these things yesterday... and I went from a glutened zombie in the morning, to bright and spunky by late afternoon! yay! Try it out and see how you feel!
*Organic foods are very important, not only for the environmental and social impact of pesticides, but also for your health! Pesticides kill the healthy bacteria in soil and thus plants grown there are covered in chemicals and lacking in nutrients. Especially if you've been suffering from symptoms due to malnutrition from Celiac, you need to treat your body good and feed it nutrient rich organic foods! 'Nuff said! :)