Friday, September 14, 2012

Articles on Diet and Lifestyle

Here it is folks, a reference guide to all things healthy, gluten free, paleo-ish, and more!

I'll probably keep adding to it, as it'll *never* be exhaustive enough.

I do acknowledge that some of these are blog posts, and not all of them are written by medical professionals. I do, however, try my best to find sources that have information based on good science. Some blog posts have great reference links, which makes them even more fun to peruse.

Firstly, I'll just direct everyone to Chris Kresser's website. He is an acupuncturist and natropathic doctor and he has tons of fantastic, right-on information on his website. It's an endless resource.

Some of my favorite articles of his:

9 steps to perfect health #1 dont eat toxins
9 steps to perfect health #2 nourish your body
9 steps to perfect health #3 eat real food
9 steps to perfect health #4 supplement wisely
9 steps to perfect health #5 heal your gut
9 steps to perfect health #6 manage your stress
9 steps to perfect health #7 move like your ancestors
9 steps to perfect health #8 sleep more deeply
9 steps to perfect health #9 practice pleasure

B12 Deficiency: A Silent Epidemic

And now for other links....

Diet and Nutrition:

Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms? When My Lab Tests Are Normal (I hope this book comes back into print soon... Someone get on that, this book is essential!)

The Vegetarian Myth (this is a review of the book)

Paleo Recipes:

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