Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Healing Diet for Autoimmune and Digestive Problems

Hi all!

I get asked often what it is that I eat and what has worked for me in my healing process. So I thought I'd write it all down and share. 

This is a diet that was introduced to me by my health practitioner, and I also worked with a nutritionist to fine-tune it.

The background info for readers who don't know about my health issues is that I have following things that I sought to treat with dietary changes and supplementation:
Leaky gut
Mild Hyperthyroidism

Possible undiagnosed Celiac Disease
Degenerative Disc Disease
And what my doctor likes to call HTTD (Head To Toe Disorder) which basically means that I have a high level of inflammation in my body and thus my tendons and soft tissue tend to get injured easily, have painful muscle cramps, joint pain and stiffness, etc. It also effects my brain with what's commonly called "brain fog".

And these aren't the only conditions this kind of diet will help. Doctors have recommended it for *any* auto-immune disorder, IBS, migrainesneurological disorders, depression, etc.

Since my fabulous doctor put me on this diet a year ago (I've been gluten-free for a year and a half- but until recently was still experiencing symptoms) I have had dramatic improvement in my overall health. A lot less stiffness and pain, the brain fog is wayyyy better than it was, more energy, better mood, etc... Basically rockin' all around. I am not *perfect* yet, I still have back problems due to damaged discs, but they are getting better with nutrition and exercise.

I encourage anyone to try this diet! It won't hurt you, it's highly nutritious, and it will probably help. 

(NOTE: After publishing this blog post, THIS amazing book came out that is basically exactly the diet I went on, but is presented in more depth and by a dietitian. BUY IT. Really. I wish it had been around when I was trying to figure all this stuff out.)

The Diet Deets:

Step 1: Go buy this supplement.

 It will help sooth your irritated digestive tract so everything in your body can heal faster. And a note for Celiac sufferers: Its really nice to take after being glutened.
It's a *must* to follow the elimination diet that goes with the supplement as well. 

Step 2: Create a food diary. This will help you monitor how you are feeling and also will pinpoint any other "food triggers".

Step 3: Go to a open-minded doctor who will test your nutrient levels and inflammation. Or, order tests yourself online. This will enable you to know what foods you need to eat more of and supplement. (Eating whole foods with the proper nutrients should be NUMBER ONE. Supplements are only to give a little added boost.) I found my phenomenal doctor through this website.

Step 4:

The diet!


Grains (Wheat, corn, rice, millet, etc.)*
GMOs (for a handy guide to what foods contain these, go here)
Legumes (peanuts and tofu are in this category!)
Seeds (quinoa and buckwheat included)

Nightshades: tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, paprika (be wary of this one, it likes to hide in spice blends), and potatoes (sweet potatoes and black pepper are okay)
Dairy (cow milk protein is extremely similar to gluten on a molecular level, so if you are sensitive to one, you probably are to the other)
High-glycemic fruits: melon, mango, pineapple, dates
Fruit Juice drinks

Things you can eat:
Low to mid-glycemic fruits: apples, pears, berries, cherries, grapes
Veggies galore!

Starchy tubers such as: sweet potatoes and taro
Unprocessed organic meats (Yes, meat. I was vegan when I got really sick and had to eat meat to heal. There honestly are VITAL nutrients and fats in meat that your body needs, ESPECIALLY if you've had a compromised digestive system. Sorry if this offends you.)

After doing an elimination diet for a few weeks, if you discover you are very sensitive to wheat gluten, be extremely careful about getting glutened from cross-contamination. I had to make my kitchen officially GF, (even my husband only eats GF at home) and I'm very careful when I go out to eat. 

I also want to note here that I did not know I had ANY food sensitivities before going on this diet. 
I never had major GI issues from gluten. This is actually very common. So doing the elimination diet fully and properly (really cut out ALL gluten for the entirety of the month!) is an absolute must for this diet to work.

Some menu suggestions:

(Check out my post Tips On Eating Like A Caveperson for more info)

Starting off with really gentle foods is incredibly important. I did not try the GAPS diet, but their recommendations for eating a good deal of bone broth early on is a wonderful way to go. I ate a lot of steamed veggies with coconut oil and lightly cooked liver when I was starting out. 

Other things that are great for your belly:
Ginger, coconuts, sauerkraut, kombucha, aloe, tumeric, chamomile, peppermint.
Fatty fish, like baked salmon with dill, coconut oil, garlic, and lemon. 
Be sure to check the Monterey Bay's Seafood watch guide to know which ones are healthiest and most sustainable.
Snacks: carrots, celery, other veggies, olives, avocados, taro chips, plantain chips.
Homemade jerky and kale chips.
Canned kippers, sardines and oysters are also a really good protein for meals on-the-go.

Additional vital nutritional aids:

Cod Liver Oil

Coconuts are great for brain fog. The water, milk, or meat. If you have a dehydrator, you can also make amazing raw tortillas out of coconut meat.
Liquid Chlorophyll (which stopped my muscle cramps)
Nettle infusion
Garlic supplements (to help balance your blood sugar) 
A High Quality Probiotic
I also use spray-on magnesium oil
Liquid Vitamin B12 

Remember to check all the labels to make sure they are grain, soy, and dairy free!

Resources (also check out my Link Page): 

List of additives and food with hidden corn

List of foods containing gluten

Digestive Health with Real Food (BUY THIS BOOK!)

The Perfect Health Diet

The Thyroid Book (a great resource for anyone with a possible auto-immune disorder as well as thyroid issues)

Dr. Chris Kesser's guide to healthy eating 

The Gluten-Free Goddess Recipes

Paleo Recipes

* Going totally gluten-free is a complicated process. If you turn out to be gluten-sensitive, you will need to be careful. Cross-contamination occurs easily. Eating things cooked on other people's pans, or even using their silverware will be a no-no. Some people can get glutened from inhaling four in the air. You will need to get rid of your toaster oven, and all of your condiment jars that might have had a bead knife dipped into them. This sounds daunting, I KNOW, but it's worth it for your health.

Don't get depressed about how limiting this diet is...

When you have been on this diet awhile (months to a year depending on how sick you are) you *can* alter the diet to suit your body. The trick is to pick wisely and listen to your body.

For instance, I now allow myself eggs, mushrooms, goat cheese, and the *occasional* nuts/seeds, soy-free/dairy-free chocolate and wine spritzers. This doesn't seem to effect me. However, everyone is different!

IMPORTANT: If you are going to experiment, be sure to only try one food at a time and give your body a 3 day reaction time. This will make it easier to pin-point a reaction to the food item.

Listen to your body and respect what it tells you.

So there it is, folks! If you want more recipes, have questions, etc., feel free to comment or e-mail me.

The best of health to you!


Three years after starting this diet, I eat eggs, yeast, coffee, goat and sheep's milk, nightshades, rice, quinoa, and minimal amounts of sugary foods just fine. Only gluten, cow's milk and corn still cause an autoimmune reaction. My diet has expanded and I still feel healthy and amazing. I am no longer crippled, but dancing three days a week and performing again. So if you're sick of your limited food choices, just stick with it! It will get better, I swear.  

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